Wednesday, June 24, 2009

What did you do at school today?

Only two days left in the school year!  Leif has had a wonderful year at Kindergarten and Laika has loved her preschool.  Even though they are only 3 and 5 they have already learned how to evade questions about school.  So, "What did you do at school today?" usually illicits a response such as, "played", "painted", "played with my friends" etc.   Then later on, when we are eating supper they might remember something and add a few details.

So, it was really fun today when Laika's preschool sent home a yearbook that included a DVD full of pictures from the school year.  I knew her teachers were very well planned and trained and that there were always plenty of fun activities going on, as they have a calendar posted online.  But to see the pictures of all of the things that they had done was really fun, and surprising.  There were beautiful dancers, many visits from the 'puppet guy' and Mark the Chef, some guy named 'Steve' makes quite a few appearances.  There were magicians, musicians and cultural days when they learned about Diwali and Hanukkah, Greece and Brazil.  But I think that my favourite group of pictures shows the kids playing with exotic little creatures, toads, snakes hedgehogs, millipedes, some strange alien bug and of course a rosy legged tarantula.  
This photo was a big surprise to me.  "Laika!  You didn't tell me about this day!"
"Oh yeah.  Steve brought in some animals."  

Man, Leif really missed out at Crazy Lady Montessori school.

1 comment:

NanaRuth said...

Laika is well on her way to becoming a master of understatements.I can't wait until she's a teenager.