Yesterday was self-portrait day. Leif is getting very literal. He put great care into his 'boy eyes'. They are different from girl eyes, because in case you haven't noticed boys do not have eyelashes. (But have you seen Leif's eyelashes?) I kind of wish he hadn't painted in the lips, he left them bright white right up until the end. He's very careful with the paintbrush, and is 'allergic' to fingerpainting.

I was impressed with Laika's self portrait. I thought it was grand that she didn't go for pink, as that seems to be her way. She has eyelids and ears and earrings and two nostrils running up the bridge of her nose. She was very proud of herself and so wanted to do a repeat, this time on pink paper. She told me that she wanted to do a circle nose this time. Portrait #2 reminds me of a Jim Henson creation.

Here you can see Leif's experiment with pointillism. It is an underwater scene, featuring a big yellow fish.

Laika shows us dirt that we can see. Not like those pesky pneumonia germs.

And here are Leif's completed more authentic looking bones. We just need to get a big enough piece of cardboard to mount them on and decorate.

As for the pneumonia, the kids are improving. I would say Laika is all cleared up, and Leif is getting close. We visit the doctor again in a few days.